Coop Invest


Company information
Please state the full name of your company
Please provide a link to your company's website. If you do not have a website, leave the answer empty
Please enter the date the company was established (e.g. 01/01/2020)
Please enter the country in which your company is incorporated
Please enter your company's CVR number. If you do not have a CVR number, leave the answer empty
In your own words, please describe in short the problem your company is solving
In your own words, please describe in short the solution you are providing to the problem you have located
Please state your company's top three competitors. If you cannot come up with three, leave the answer empty.
Compared to your competitors, what is your competitive advantage? (1-2 sentences)
Please state the current number of FTEs at your company
Please state the valuation of the company (DKKm) at the last funding round. If you do not have a valuation, leave the answer empty
Please state the size of investment you seek from Coop Invest (DKKm)
Please state your comapny's revenue from last fiscal year (DKKm). If your company did not generate any revenue/was not operational last year, please type in 0
Information on founder(s)
Please type in the name(s) of the founder(s) of the company. If your company has multiple founders, please use the next questions to state these. If only one founder, leave the next two questions empty
Please state an e-mail for your main contact
Please state a phone number for your main contact
Please paste in the link for your LinkedIn page. If you do not have a LinkedIn page, please leave the answer empty
Please upload your pitch deck/company presentation and other relevant information (e.g. annual report)